# Mission & Vision

The vision will keep us united and work toward the same goal. The mission might change every 12/24 months and help us achieve the vision.

Meilisearch vision

🔎 Make it easy to find anything anywhere...

Meilisearch mission

🧑🏽‍💻 ...by providing a go-to-search solution for every developer

# Vision (WIP)

The Vision is about the possibility of what you can become. It encompasses intention, but in a broader sense. Vision provides a clear (mental) picture of the ideal end state. Because the mission (intention) supports a clear vision, I incorporate it as one of its components and suggest creating a statement that includes the intention, values and picture of the end result.

Since the emergence of platforms such as Google, Internet users have become accustomed to using fast and relevant search engines. The pagination has even become obsolete on Google as the engine is so relevant. Usually, if the user doesn't find the desired result with this search, he will rewrite it rather than go to page 2.

However, if we take the applications we use every day on our smartphones or on the web, only very few solutions offer a decent search experience. Only Amazon and Facebook that have dedicated search teams can provide good experiences. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to have a dedicated team of 10+ people on their search engines.

When a person/company is looking to put a search engine on its platform, it has several possibilities. Suppose it uses an all-in-one solution like WordPress/Shopify. In that case, the tool will provide by default a basic search engine with a more than limited user experience. If this is not the case, several options are possible. Either the user can afford to use Algolia and lose control over the data. They can use a Lucene based solution and continue to have a poor experience.

Algolia is the only search engine that offers a new and excellent search experience. Not all companies/websites are on Algolia shows that the problem is the accessibility of the solution.

This is why we decided to create Meilisearch to create and propose a new search engine that would excel in the search experience and accessible to anyone. Our goal is to become the reference as a search engine. Whether it is a creator or a developer, choosing your search engine should no longer be a problem. He must be able to find us and use us as simply as possible.

Our role is to enhance the web experience by providing a better way to navigate on websites. Remove the frictions mainly on the website search system.

Team roadmap template (opens new window)

All-Meili roadmap template (opens new window)

Last Updated: 12/26/2023, 9:33:33 AM